Insightful Life Coaching

What does it mean to you to live your life Fearlessly? What would you have to change about the way you live your life in order to do that? Is that something you’re willing to do? As a Certified Fearless Living Coach, I can help you make that change. I support you in the areas where you want, or know you need, to change. Can it be scary? Of course. But it’s do-able with practical tools and exercises. Whether you want to enjoy your job more than you do now, repair or build new relationships, increase your self-confidence, improve your health, or make any tough transition in your life, you have a safe place and support for making changes toward your true self and the best life for you.

At Bedrock Beginnings Life Coaching, LLC, you choose which areas of your life you want to concentrate on, and that’s what we work on, together. This sets the course toward changing your life in a way that works for you. In the process, we may end up working on an entirely different area than we began with, but somehow that often turns out to be the place that needed the change or healing in order for you to move forward.

During our sessions, you'll get a toolkit full of skills, strategies, and ideas that you can use in all parts of your life, not just the part we concentrate on. With these tools, you'll be able to make permanent changes for the better and live a more balanced, satisfying life.

When you’re ready to take the first step toward a life full of growth and freedom, call me at (206) 331-8012 if you want to talk about how my coaching services can clarify and support your process of change. I'm here to help you change safely, at your own speed. Together, we'll go on a deep journey of self-discovery and growth, building a life that reflects your dreams in a practical way.


Send a Message

"Where you begin doesn't matter. Your willingness to start is what counts."

~ Rhonda Britten

Are you ready to change your life so that you can live your best life? I'm here to support you through every step. I'm committed to helping you grow, whether you want to overcome challenges, learn how to become "fearless," or improve your relationships. 

Your journey to Fearless Living starts with a simple step: reach out today to start the conversation.

Please fill out as much of the information below as you are comfortable with, including any details you want in the message area, and I will contact you.