Fear...and Change

What is it about change that is so frightening? After all, it happens all the time. The only constant we can absolutely count on is that things will change. Seasons change, our bodies change, government and educational administrations change. Admittedly, these are fairly predictable changes – or at least the fact that they will change within certain time limits is predictable.

What about the changes we choose for ourselves? Isn’t that where the fear shows up the most? Not because we don’t want to change, or don’t see the need to change but because we fear the unknown.

What if fearing the unknown is not the real fear – what if it’s really letting go of the way things have always been, even if they didn’t actually work out? If we stop doing the things, or thinking the thoughts, or feeling the feelings that we’ve “always” done, thought, felt, what are the possibilities for us? What if what Krishnamurti says is true: “One is never afraid of the unknown; one is afraid of the known coming to an end.”

Leaving the shore and places familiar is scarier than being on the deep blue sea. Becoming a butterfly means leaving the caterpillar soup behind. Exploring new possibilities means letting go of thinking you already know everything you need to know, and the letting go is scarier than the exploring. Yet the exploring part can be exciting and energizing!

How could you apply this to your own life? What are you willing to change about your habits of doing, thinking, feeling that would launch you into excitement, energy, and joy? I know I have some changes I could make in my thinking, expectations and assumptions I have been hanging onto for dear life because they are safe, don’t require me to put forth much effort and yet allow me to look like I’m working hard. Hard to let those go.

What are you willing to let go, to change, about your habits, thinking, feeling?

Photo by: Nandhu Kumar / Pexels


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"Where you begin doesn't matter. Your willingness to start is what counts."

~ Rhonda Britten

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