Once you’ve become aware of something in your life that you want to change, what’s the next best step? Stare it dead in the eye and dare it to stay the same? Continue as usual and hope for the best now that you know about it and will pay attention to it? Think about changing it? Want to change it? (You’re getting closer.) Plan to change it? Mmmm. Almost.
Knowing that there is something you want to change and actually changing it requires a willingness to take action and to face the fears that will come up as change takes place. As Rhonda Britten says, “Willing makes you able.” Being willing makes you able to take action, to face the fear of what might happen if you actually change, to prepare for unexpected consequences, whether they’re positive or otherwise.
If you’re not willing yet, are you willing to be willing to change…or however many willings it takes to be willing to take action?
For example, let’s talk about exercise. Mostly I love my body the way it is, and think I’m pretty healthy. Yet I would still like to have a much trimmer middle section. I’m aware of my “spare tire/muffin top/love handles” that are a consequence of aging and losing some height from my spine. I would love to have a slim and trim middle section. Over the past few years I’ve thought about how to change it, hoped that fewer calories eaten in a day would help (that’s been a bust! There is a chocolate factory within 2 miles of my house), wanted to change it, planned to change it, walked around the neighborhood regularly, etc. All to no avail.
Until I was willing to invest in an exercise program targeting my abs and pumping up my metabolism, that mid-section was going to stay the same. The investment is not only money, it’s also time and effort, being consistent in showing up for the exercises and actually doing the workouts. I’m willing to do that and that willingness has made me able to do the exercises on a regular basis. After a mere three weeks, I think I’m noticing a change in how easily my jeans zip up! Yay!
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